“Larry, the world needs what you do.”

Jonathan von Koenig, D.O.

Enjoy freedom in your body again!

LarryFreedom in your body to love the life you live and live the life you love.


Larry Witzleben, L.M.T., C.P.T.


What We Offer

  • Freedom from pain
  • Freedom to feel good in your body again
  • Quieted mental chatter
  • Softened anxiety
  • Freedom for your spirit

How We Help You

  • Orthopedic Massage, a medical massage
  • Polarity Therapy, an energy therapy
  • A Whole-Body Energy Reset!™, a total nervous system treatment and reset.
  • Appreciate the marvel of your own body and its foundation in energy
  • Learn easy self-care

It’s your nervous system!   It’s your nervous system!   It’s your nervous system!


Orthopedic Massage

As deeply relaxing as it is deeply therapeutic. Enjoy lasting relief from tight, sore muscles. Feel good in your body again.


Polarity Therapy

Enjoy relief from pain — and from anxiety and stress itself — by softening the deeper imbalances in your body’s vital energy. Polarity Therapy brings you to your natural calm and restores your energy to the flow it was designed to enjoy, that your innate vitality may arise, and you feel centered and deeply well again.


Whole-Body Energy Reset!™

Come to deep calm. Unplug from your day. And in that calm, your nervous system and whole body will reset to their natural quiet. You’ll feel completely rested and refreshed. That quiet — that calm — will go with you and be the start of a new norm.



Learn posture and stretches that will keep your muscles looser between massages.


I met Larry through my M.D. I have suffered muscle pain for 30 years and have continued to treat it with massage therapy. Finally I’ve met Larry and we are successfully working diligently healing core causes. Also I was very skeptical that polarity therapy could affect me. I am amazed. It works!
Because of Larry’s knowledge, selflessness and professionalism I have gained an immense trust and am healing body, mind and soul. Thank you Larry.

Colleen Entrikin

Larry is the a life changing Therapist. I was introduced to Larry in March 2019. Larry has formulated a Nuero Balancing/Polarity Balancing therapy that combines techniques that can change the way the central nervous system performs. I sustained multiple traumatic brain injuries, several broken bones in a motorcycle accident September 2019. Larry’s ability to understand the central nervous system and brain function is instrumental in the technique he has created to make the body function to it’s maximum. I also recommend Larry to anyone who needs orthopedic massage therepy. Several broken bones and with Larry’s expertise, I am able to be completely mobile, which really hadn’t seemed possible 7 months ago.

My sincere gratitude to Larry. Thankyou for choosing the profession to change people’s lives. A person never knows how unwell they are, until they are well.

Cindy Sheahan

If you are looking for a massage or polarity therapist, trust that Larry will be a the right fit for your needs. I have never met a kinder, calmer or more caring therapist in my life. He has become the calm in the storm of life and I can not say enough about him or his services.

Jenny B. Creative

Amazing! I can’t really say much else. I went there with a lot of muscle pain and left with very little.

Sean Cody

Larry, I have just completed a 3,400-mile driving vacation with no back problems! Before I started seeing you, I would not have even considered a drive of that duration.

Douglas D.
Aerospace Engineer, age 45

That was a GREAT session! I feel so much looser all the way up my hamstrings.  Actually, my calves and Achilles feel so much better, too, and my foot has no pain whatsoever. It articulates with great ease. Everything you did, including that last little bit of specific foot work put it all together.  Thank you!



Heidi R.
Acupuncture Physician, age 53 

Larry, thank you so much for that wonderful massage.  I felt more alert and energetic afterward than I’ve felt for a month. I also appreciated your suggestion to walk as slowly as I had to, to walk as though I was fine, and let the speed come back naturally. I was surprised that I could do that! I’ve evidently not walked normally for a while, as there are some muscles protesting against the new program. Thank you for your deep understanding of the body and the care through which you deliver it.

  Marianne R.
age 53 

I had perfect posture with no effort. My shoulders lay back on their own. I felt so open!

 Dawn W.
L.C.S.W., age 48  

I experienced what turned out to be my first asthma attack when I was 15, after a cross-country meet. That was twenty years ago, and since then, inhalers and nebulizer treatments have been routine parts of my life. Over these 20 years, I’ve had to take two puffs on my inhaler before any exercise, including mowing the lawn. 

In May [2015] I had to see my doctor for a nebulizer refill, because I had a bad chest cold that was dragging out and triggering my asthma.  For two weeks I’d had the constant feeling of an elephant sitting on my chest, causing me constant shortness of breath. I was miserable.

In July, I met Larry and heard about the Polarity sessions he offers. During my first session, I felt a great calm and happiness wash over me, and this feeling lasted for almost a week and a half. More than that, I also felt the pressure that had been causing my asthma, disperse completely. I had a second treatment four weeks to the day later. As I write this, it has been almost two months, and I have been free of any and all asthma symptoms and have not needed my inhalers nor nebulizer. Not once!

Anita G.
age 36

I woke up the next morning and didn’t feel any immediate difference from how I usually felt  when I woke up. But by the end of the day, I couldn’t believe how fast time had flown, how much I got accomplished, and the fact that I never once felt rushed and overwhelmed. The feeling of peace lasted all week, and I noticed time and again that I simply was taking care of things at work and chores at home, that normally stressed me or put me in a bad mood.

Kelly B.
health care administrator, age 33 

The night following my first session, my husband and I had one of our spirited fights. But after he’d excitedly, angrily argued his position for the longest moments, I just said, “Honey, you’re right, I’m sorry!”  He was stunned, that was so not like me.  But I was different after my session. Had a new calm. Being right just wasn’t that important.

I’m less dramatic now in how I react. I tend to react very emotionally, and I realize that I now pause to think before I react. I’m more intentional.   

Jenna R.
health coach and consultant, age 37 

For me, your Polarity Therapy releases not just muscle tension, but the emotional stress that causes my muscles to lock up in the first place.  Larry, your work reached emotional stressors that no other professional could get to. Thank you for what you do!


Donna J.
age 46 

Relax isn’t in my vocabulary. I’m productive and intentional all the time, and I love it. But I didn’t do a thing the entire Thanksgiving weekend – all four days! And as soon I as I realized this the day after Thanksgiving and started to think, “Wait a minute, this isn’t like me,”  I didn’t even finish the thought in my head before I said to myself, “Wait a minute, this feels right, this IS me! I should do this more often!”

Matt C.
financial advisor, age 30 

Being a Type-A person who finds it difficult to sit back and relax, I have come to look forward to my appointments with you, to slow things down and take a time-out just for me. I have come to see you for pinched nerves, tendinitis, and all manner of sore muscles. I have also come in just to relax. You accomplish it all with a skill that is remarkable. But this last massage that you ended with Polarity Therapy! This is the most relaxing technique I have ever experienced. It slowed down my breathing and my whole body, and when the massage was over, I just wanted to lie there in the quiet and comfort.

Ed S.
eye-wear technician, age 50 

The treatment was more relaxing than if I’d had a massage. I could feel the stress and worry rising up and out of my head.  Immediately afterwards,  I felt very relaxed, and my shoulders were not up by my ears. I was able to sit up naturally with my shoulders back and with perfect posture which is not at all normal as I’m a constant sloucher. But my back felt strong, and sitting up straight felt normal.


Kelly B.
health care administrator, age 33  

I know peace for the first time in my life!

 Sarah J.
retired business owner, age 80         

This should be part of leadership training.  I see situations better and more clearly. I know what’s important, decide better.


Kyle J.
CEO of Lighthouse Central Florida 

My mother had been staying at my house for a couple of months.  Stress city!  But after the session I found I was much more patient with her than usual, and the house was much less tense than it usually is with an extra person there. We were able to joke and laugh and enjoy our time together since I wasn’t rushing around to get things done, return phone calls, etc.

Kelly B.
health care administrator, age 33

I have been a client of Larry Witzleben for about three years. I originally came to him for massage therapy. He introduced me to Polarity Therapy about two years ago. At first I was skeptical. I thought of Polarity as more of a “New Age” type therapy that did not really do anything. However, because of Larry’s level of care and his belief in Polarity Therapy, I gave it a try.  I was very surprised by its effectiveness. During the session, I could actually feel a realignment of my internal organs. My relaxation was greater and lasted longer than from massage alone. Currently, I use a combination of massage and Polarity Therapy in my sessions.


Tom N.
realtor,  age 42 

It was a very busy week, prepping for the birth of our second child.  So I was running hard but didn’t feel overwhelmed as I typically do. I get very anxious in hospitals, but I didn’t feel anxious as I typically do. Throughout this past weekend I was at the hospital for nearly 60 hours, going through delivery and all that that involves, but I felt calm.

Matt C.
financial advisor, age 30 

The calm lasted about ten days, and things were less of a struggle.  The only thing that was really strange was that that evening after my session, I received an email that made me irate.  Immediately I began my usual obsessing, planning how I was going to tell off the person who’d sent it. But then before long, I simply stopped obsessing, and the matter had evaporated.

Suellen F.
mental health counselor, age 61 

When I arrived for my session, an issue with my son [2 years old] was weighing on me.  In the course of the session, I saw the issue clearly and went home knowing how I wanted to handle it.

Jenna R.
health coach and consultant, age 37

I had just left my session with Larry. Felt relaxed and calm. Unusually so. I wasn’t even out of his driveway, when my cell phone rang. It was my son [23], in panic and tears. He’d been in a bad car accident, was pinned in his car and needed me to get there. In that moment when everything seized up in me, it didn’t.  I felt a warm calm wrap itself around me like a blanket, and fill me. It wasn’t shock but a total calm. I was present on the phone with my son, reassured him, talked him back from panic, then calmly was on my way to him. Had it not been for my session with Larry, I’d have been a total basket case, sped away in panic, and not been as effectively available for my son.

Barbara M.
business owner, age 48 

Tad, a young man, mid-20’s, was a colleague in one of my networking groups. He was an engaging young man, very successful in telecommunications sales, but you could also hear in how he spoke and see in his body language that he was wound tight for success in a highly competitive industry. His speech was quick, his words clipped and running over one another, and you knew that even at his young age, his nervous system  was starting to fray.

He’d heard me speak of Polarity Therapy and decided to give it a try, scheduled a 30-minute treatment for the end of a day. When he arrived at my office for his appointment, he looked harried like a man who’d been in a hectic day of outside sales and in rush-hour traffic all day.  When he walked out of the room little more than a half-hour later, he glided slowly in his own bubble of calm.  Out the door … home he went!

Two days later he called me. “Larry, what did you do to me?” he asked. “Are you okay?” I asked in return.  “Am I okay??? I am SO okay!” he exclaimed. “ My whole body feels lose!” He went on. “When I got to your office the other day, the chatter of the whole day was still in my head, like loud, banging, heavy-metal music.  But yesterday it was like mellow Frank Sinatra!” More even than that, I knew what was important and what was not.”

telecommunications sales, age 25

Larry, you have a real talent for making complicated ideas understandable and with good humor. You had a captivated audience.


Jack Lane, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus of History, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida

Larry, your message is so timely and inspiring! You deliver a profound vision with wit and enthusiasm. You encourage me to be steadfast in living these principles.



Emilee Stewart Carleton
President, Private Universe Aromatherapy

You gave me tons of brownie points with my crowd. Thank you! Your knowledge and vitality, and the obvious joy you took in presenting this material, captured every ear in the crowd. As I watched the audience nod their heads, completely entrained with you, I knew we had found the kind of speaker I hope for but do not often see delivered. Boy, did you deliver! Thank you for making my job such a pleasure.



Lila Scholer
Institute of Noetic Sciences, Orlando
I have been receiving polarity therapy sessions regularly and the results are astounding! Not only do I feel better, but my life in general has become clearer, more focused, and aligned with an improved path of existence. Many of my friends have noticed a change as well. I recommend starting this improved health journey to improve your overall living.

I didn’t know how not okay I was.

I have no frame of reference for how good I feel now. I feel more relaxed and clear than I have ever felt before in my life. (After her third Whole-Body Energy Reset™)

age 46, Fort Myers

Text Neck: Crisis at Our Door!

Doctors say that we are on track for this posture to become the structural norm in the human race within two generations.

With the increased use of cell phones and computers, we’ve noticed worsening postures in people across ages. Text neck can affect your nervous system and other organs, leading to digital dementia. Return your body to its natural posture with our holistic healthcare services.

Larry speaks on Text Neck, sounding the alarm to every parent and grandparent who will hear. PTA's, church groups, workplace lunch-and-learns, civic organizations, wherever people gather who get that our children, grandchildren, generations yet unborn, and literally the human race, are on the line here. Book him today!

Your Journey to Freedom Starts Here!

Call +1 407-595-4035 or Fill Form Out Form Below To Get Started